Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening

The constant search to achieve a whiter smile, dates back many years, even more than a decade of studies have been used to achieve whiter and brighter teeth, researchers and scientists have tested a number of whitening substances on non-vital teeth and on non-vital teeth with pulp. In 1968 the whitening of vital teeth with pulp was already carried out, by means of oxalic acid or pyrozone.

What is tooth whitening?

It is an aesthetic dental treatment, used very frequently, which is carried out by applying hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide on the enamel of the tooth, in order to lighten several shades of it. It is very important that this procedure is under the supervision of a professional. 

Types of teeth whitening

  1. Dental whitening in clinic:  It is a procedure that is carried out by applying hydrogen peroxide and consequently it is photo-activated, in order to accelerate the effect. It is very important that during the procedure all teeth are isolated very well, using spacers and gingival protector, to protect lips and gums, avoiding a wound on them. This procedure takes about an hour.
  2. Teeth whitening at home: too called whitening Outpatient, seeks to achieve the same results as described above, but for this procedure custom molds or splints must be made, which are given to the patient together with hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, but in a lower concentration. The patient should put on the splints and the product for as long as the dentist has indicated after analysis in consultation.
  3. Mixed teeth whitening: This procedure combines photoactivation in the clinic plus the outpatient procedure. The purpose of doing it in this way is to reinforce the technique and the results. It is only performed on patients who are really indicated, the dentist will indicate it after evaluation in consultation.
  4. Internal teeth whitening: This procedure is performed on non-vital teeth, it is performed in several sessions, in the clinic, on those teeth treated endodontically. The procedure is painless and does not require anesthesia.

Recommendations and guidelines after teeth whitening

  • Avoid consuming beverages or foods capable of pigmenting the tooth, such as coffee, soda, red wine, tomatoes, etc. In any case, consume these drinks with a straw.
  • Perform oral hygiene, on a daily basis, with products that the health professional recommends.
  • To avoid the use of tobacco
  • Avoid drinking beverages with acidic content
  • If possible, use a suitable toothbrush, such as interproximal teeth, to avoid staining the teeth in the interproximal area.
  • DO NOT FORGET to follow all the recommendations of your dentist.

On Sanadent you will find the professionals you need to take care of your oral health, with the experience in carrying out the teeth whiteningFor your comfort, safety and better results, do not forget to contact us.

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