How to remove tartar?

How to remove tartar?

Proper oral hygiene will determine the health of your teeth, and the health of your teeth will depend on the rest of the functions in which they participate, from chewing to their aesthetic function.

That is why it is so important to maintain proper oral hygiene. There are multiple oral pathologies that afflict many people, from cavities, gingivitis, dental erosion, loss of teeth, tartar, among other pathologies that affect the patient in all spheres, from physical to emotional.

At Sanadent we always think of you, in promoting proper oral hygiene, so that your quality of life is much more positive. In this article we will talk about tartar and how to eliminate this dental pathology.

Please read carefully:

What is tartar?

It is also called dental calculus, which is nothing more than an accumulation of bacterial plaque on the teeth, which over time hardens, due to the deposit of minerals. This can cause staining and loss of the natural color of the teeth. They can also be generated near the gums, which can cause inflammation of the same, which is known as gingivitis. Sometimes the tartar adheres so strongly to the surface of the tooth that it can only be removed by specialists and with suitable instruments.

Now you will be wondering how to effectively eliminate this great torture from your smile, first you must consider that oral pathologies are very easy to prevent, as long as you have a good brushing technique, use dental floss with each brushing, visit the dentist periodically, use A suitable brush, with soft but firm bristles, use fluoride toothpaste, as well as it is important to maintain a good lifestyle, not ingesting dark drinks, not ingesting alcohol, not smoking and having a balanced diet. You can prevent many problems in the future, since all these factors greatly influence your oral health.

However, if you already have this problem, then pay attention to how it should be eliminated.

How to remove tartar?

In expert hands this problem can be very easy to eliminate, it depends on the state of the same, the ideal is to always consult specialists on the subject. Because tartar sticks so tightly to the surface of the teeth, removing them at home or at home is not an option.

The procedure to remove tartar will depend on what type it is, if it is supragingival or subgingival.

In the case of supragingival stones, the dentist will perform a procedure called scaling or scalectomy, which consists of removing the tartar manually or with electrical equipment.

In the case of subgingival stones, in most cases, the use of local anesthesia should be used, to prevent the patient from feeling pain.

During these processes, to remove tartar, the dental surfaces must also be prepared, so that they are not rough and the process of stone formation in the future is much slower. This technique is known as scaling or root curettage and surface polishing.

In conclusion this is the step by step:

  1. Application of local anesthesia (when necessary)
  2. Scaling or scaling
  3. Root planing or curettage
  4. Polishing of surfaces.

There are cases in which the stones cannot be completely eliminated even if the instruments are inserted inside the gum, for this reason it is sometimes necessary to make a small incision, to lift the gum and be able to have a complete visual plane of the surface of the gum. tooth covered by tartar, we are talking about performing this procedure called open scaling and curettage. Upon completion of removing the stones, the gingiva is returned to its place and sutured, obviously all under the use of anesthesia.

We hope that this article has been useful for you, always remember to maintain good oral hygiene and follow the recommendations of your dentist, do not skimp when it comes to health.

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