How to improve the bite?

How to improve the bite?

Detecting a malocclusion in time is essential, because pathologies can be avoided in this way in the short, medium and long term. It is not only about aesthetics, but about health, that's why improve bite It is so important.

What do we mean by dental occlusion?

Barnett considers it necessary to point out that within the concept of occlusion not only the relationships concerning the "closure" of both arches are included, but also the alignment of the teeth in their arch with their numerous interproximal contact relationships, the tooth relationships -periodont and teeth with other structures of the stomatognathic apparatus such as the tongue, the floor of the mouth, the lips, the cheeks and the palate.

What do we mean by dental malocclusion?

A malocclusion is nothing more than a situation in which the occlusion does not have or does not meet the parameters considered "normal", which can generate bone and muscle alterations in different parts of the oral cavity, such as alteration in the temporomandibular joint. , which carries unpleasant symptoms and signs for the patient.

Causes of a malocclusion:

There are multiple causes, the most common are associated with inheritance from parents to children, that is why it is important to carry out a check-up on the children, when the parents have a history of dental malocclusion.

A malocclusion is generated when:

  • The upper jaw is much larger than the lower jaw
  • Differences between the size of teeth and jaw
  • Having supernumerary teeth

 In other cases such as bad habits:

  • Suck finger
  • Using a pacifier for a long time

Other causes:

  • Poorly performed or poorly adjusted dental treatments such as prostheses, fillings, crowns.
  • Facial or jaw trauma
  • Among other

Consequences of a bad bite:

  1. A misaligned bite affects the ability to chew correctly, therefore it can cause discomfort and pain
  2. In children it can cause difficulty in vocalizing and speaking
  3. Changes in the face of the person, therefore it also has aesthetic consequences, modifying the appearance of the individual's face
  4. Poor occlusion can also wear teeth

These are just one of the many consequences that a malocclusion produces, your dentist will be able to expand the subject more easily and fluently.

Treatments to improve the bite:

To make an adequate treatment the dentist must carry out an assessment and send you to do a series of examinations, when they are necessary, the treatment will depend on the pathology that you present, in general there are multiple treatments for improve bite and achieve a normal dental occlusion: The treatment is mainly based on dental crowns, veneers and orthodontics.

With orthodontics the intention is to reposition the teeth progressively, this is one of the most used treatments. When the dental arch is narrow, porcelain veneers and dental crowns can be used in cases of considerable dental wear.

The solutions of dentistry and orthodontics are for all ages, never hesitate to consult with your dentist, in Sanadent You will always have an ally, we are here to take care of your oral health.

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