Who is a pediatric dentist?

The pediatric dentist is a professional with dental training, who also specializes in child psychology and behavior, who is dedicated to treating the specific problems of infants, children and adolescents.

It turns out to be a true ally for parents, as it clears all doubts about the development of teeth and provides strategies to correct bad habits in children, which in the long run can trigger complications in the development of their teeth. As well as helping parents to design beneficial routines for the child's oral health.

When to start consulting a pediatric dentist?

When a child learns to take care of his teeth from a young age, he is ensuring a good development of his teeth in the future. That is why the first visit to the pediatric dentist should begin at a very early age and the suggestion is to do it from the first year of life or just after the appearance of the first tooth, because that is when the risk of tooth decay begins and they are detected the child's treatment needs early.

The visit to the pediatric dentist is a pleasant moment for the little ones, as they receive warm professional attention, full of great patience and love. The office offers a fun environment, surrounded by colorful toys, with visual and auditory stimuli. All this added to the fact that they are generally preventive check-ups, that do not represent pain and have the company of the parents, will allow the child to quickly gain confidence with their pediatric dentist, generating a connection that helps eliminate unfounded fear related to the consultation dental, awakening the desire to take care of your teeth and return to the consultation.

There are also unexpected or traumatic events that make parents undecided about deciding whether or not it is really necessary to go to the pediatric dentist, to clear up doubts here we summarize:

  • Before the appearance of cavities.
  • In the first years of life, falls in children are frequent. For this reason, when teeth are broken or when there are blows in the mouth, it is important to consult to rule out possible internal damage that may affect oral health.
  • Si detectas problemas de oclusión dental (mordida).  Recuerda que lo normal es que el arco superior y el arco inferior, estén en contacto, que la arcada superior sea más grande que la arcada inferior. Lo ideal es que lleves a tu hijo a revisión para estar tranquilos verificar que todo está en orden.
  • When the permanent teeth come out in a separate or crooked way

If these problems are detected early in childhood, they are easier to solve than in adolescence or adulthood.

What benefits does a consultation with a pediatric dentist offer you?

Habits that harm your child's oral health

Watch out for these habits that, although they may seem harmless, if not corrected in time, can lead to future problems in the development of your child's teeth:

  • Pacifier abuse
  • Thumb sucking
  • Using teeth as a tool
  • Eating too sweet
  • Brush with a lot of energy or do it wrong.
  • Clench your teeth at night
  • Biting or sucking on an item of clothing

You need a pediatric dentist for your son or daughter?

Elegir un buen odontopediatra es clave para la salud oral de tu hijo. En Sanadent Odontólogos te ofrecemos este servicio, con profesionales expertos que harán que tu niño ame venir a consulta y comience a valorar y cuidar todo lo relacionado a sus dientes.  Agenda ya tu cita.

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