Welcome to Sanadent Odontologists

Hyaluronic acid

During our first appraisal appointmentWe will take care of giving you the information you need to provide you with the greatest transparency. Before you continue reading, we invite you to see some testimonials from patients who, like you, did not know which cosmetic dentistry center to choose in the city of Medellín.

Some videos for you

If you are interested in our service, watch these 2 videos to learn a little more about our smile design.

What is hyaluronic acid?

Also known as hyaluronate, it is a biomolecule present in various body structures, including the skin.

This substance fulfills several functions, including: it provides elasticity to the tissue in which it is found; retains water, providing volume and hydration which is vital to give the skin a young and healthy appearance.

Like all substances that our body produces, hyaluronic acid is constantly being replaced. However, as we gain years, the speed of this replacement decreases, these changes make our skin look thinner and some wrinkles appear.

Experience & results

Our specialists have extensive experience which guarantees us to offer you the best results in your treatment and our reviews confirm this.

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Why choose Sanadent?

At Sanadent we have multiple specialists with many years of experience in dental treatments to ensure that your process is as effective as possible.

Own laboratory

At Sanadent we have our own laboratory where you can obtain the results efficiently.

Unmatched experience

Specialists with more than 15 years of experience in oral health treatments make us your best option.

Best results

Thanks to our state-of-the-art equipment and our skilled professionals, we guarantee unbeatable results.

Qualified Personnel

Highly qualified staff who will offer you excellent customer service and unmatched treatment.

Did you know that hyaluronic acid is injectable?

This biomolecule is also produced by other animal and bacterial species.
This has allowed its isolation and purification to give it applications in aesthetics,
fulfilling the same functions as that produced by the human body.

Is hyaluronic acid filler safe?

Like any medical intervention, if it is performed by a certified professional with the necessary skills to apply this intervention, we can safely say that it is a safe procedure, as well as highly effective.


Where can it be applied?

Hyaluronic acid injections can be applied to different areas of the face. This procedure can be performed in the areas that want to look more voluminous, this will bring a hydrated and youthful appearance.
These are some of the interventions with hyaluronic acid that we offer you
in Sanadent, which we will also talk about later: Increase and
lip contouring, rhinomolding, chin augmentation and contouring,
cheek augmentation.


How is it done and how long do its effects last?

This intervention is minimally painful, and if necessary you can
apply a low-strength anesthetic to the areas where the
intervention. Using a fine needle, the professional will proceed to fill with
hyaluronic acid, this procedure on average can last up to an hour.
The effect of injectable hyaluronic acid can last on average between 9 and 12
months. However, there are situations where it can be spread by
longer periods, all this will depend on the conditions of each


Why do it with us?

The face is one of the most important areas of the body for people, since
It is the one we teach the world the most and definitely a bad procedure
applied can deform it.
Aesthetic interventions of this type require to be performed by
health professionals. They must have full knowledge of the
facial anatomy and required amount of hyaluronic acid to be injected,
allowing a shiny appearance, but preserving the naturalness of each
At Sanadent we have the skills and tools necessary to
provide you with specialized care, guaranteeing your peace of mind and security in
each of the interventions.

The treatments that Sanadent offer you

Lip augmentation and contouring

If you want to have fuller lips, correct asymmetries and give them a greater
projection, this option is ideal for you. Thanks to the filling with hyaluronic acid in
lips you can give a hydrated, firm and aesthetic appearance to your lips, which without
They will certainly allow you to regain confidence and security.


If you think that your nose could look more harmonious and aesthetic, with injectable hyaluronic acid you could achieve the nose you dream of so much, without the need for invasive and disabling procedures.

This procedure will allow you to correct the nasal hump, asymmetries on the back, drooping nasal tip, as well as a lack of nasal projection.

Chin augmentation and shaping

A short chin, as well as one set back (retrognathia) can be the cause of a
great discomfort on the part of those who present this condition, as the chin
helps to define our features much better.
This situation can be safely corrected with the application of acid.
Injectable hyaluronic allowing you to look more symmetrical and harmonious.
With chin profiling through this technique you will notice a real
change in your face, and you can gain confidence and security.

Cheek augmentation

As the years go by, as we have already mentioned, the skin can go
losing some of its regenerative properties. Decreased firmness
that causes the loss of hyaluronic acid in the cheekbones can generate the
appearance of wrinkles and gradually modifying facial expression.
If you are part of the group of people who have lost the firmness of their cheekbones and
You notice that they look a bit saggy, don't worry. Acid application
injectable hyaluronic in cheekbones will give you a younger and healthier appearance
in this area that forms an important part of the face.

  • These are some of the advantages that injectable hyaluronic acid gives you:
  • It is a minimally invasive procedure
  • Recovery time is minimal
  • Results can be noticed immediately
  • It gives you a natural and rejuvenated look on the skin
  • It is a safe and effective treatment


Payment facilities

In Sanadent, in addition to having multiple business agreements that
facilitate access to these treatments, we also offer you multiple
payment capabilities. We receive all types of credit cards. further
we have credit systems. With Sanadent you will be able to give your face the
harmonious and healthy appearance that the application of hyaluronic acid will give you.

What service do you want?

Leave us your information, we will contact you.

How to start?

01. Request an appointment

We have an assessment appointment to start the treatment.

02. We analyze your case

We analyze your case and explain the procedure in detail so that you understand each stage of it.

03. Start your treatment

Begin your treatment with experienced specialists to offer you the best result.

A smile for life

There is no better testimony than the result of our work. The excellence of our practice is reflected in the satisfaction of our patients, in that smile that they no longer hide out of shyness, but now want to show off. The end result is seen in the customer's change in attitude, and their desire to smile.

¿Qué información es crucial saber de los rellenos con ácido hialurónico?

Propósito y beneficios: Descubre en Sanadent Odontólogos los sorprendentes propósitos y beneficios de los rellenos de ácido hialurónico para rejuvenecer tu piel y resaltar tu belleza natural. Nuestros expertos en estética facial te explicarán cómo este tratamiento puede aumentar el volumen, suavizar arrugas y brindarte una apariencia más fresca y juvenil de manera segura y efectiva.

Duración de los Resultados: La duración de los resultados varía según varios factores, como la calidad del producto utilizado, la zona tratada y las características individuales de cada paciente. En Sanadent Odontólogos, te ofrecemos tratamientos de ácido hialurónico de alta calidad para garantizar resultados duraderos y naturales. Nuestro enfoque personalizado y profesional asegura que puedas disfrutar de una apariencia rejuvenecida durante el mayor tiempo posible. 


Laureles: Cl. 33 # 81-17, Medellín
FLorida Commercial Park: Cl. 71 # 65-150 Local 2111, Medellín


+57 (4) 448 61 26
+ 57 317 698 0927



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Our services

Specialized dentistry in Medellín.

We have a wide variety of dental services for health and aesthetics and oral. Call for more details.


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Esthetic Dentistry

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Maxillofacial Surgery

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Pediatric dentistry

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Orofacial Harmonization

It is the new trend to achieve a harmonious face through fillers with hyaluronic acid and the use of botulinum toxin.


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