How a dental implant is done

Losing a tooth is quite an unpleasant experience due to the consequences it entails in the daily life of the patient, but fortunately today this can be remedied thanks to technological advances in the field of dentistry that offer alternatives such as dental implants, each time more accessible way for everyone.

Here we tell you what you should know about how a dental implant is done

The planning:

  • All cases of implants are different and by analyzing the patient's conditions we find the real scenario on which to plan the step by step.
  • The patient's medical history is evaluated to identify diseases that he has, has suffered and that may affect or prevent treatment.
  • This clinical evaluation also involves a buccal impression and x-rays in order to establish the position and type of dental implant to be used.
  • The state of the bone and gums is evaluated and sometimes tissue intervention must be done before the implant, such as bone grafts.
  • When bone conditions are found to be less than ideal to support the new tooth, a bone graft or sinus lift must be placed. In this case, the waiting time before placing the implant is between 4 to 12 months.
  • The type of sedation for the patient is established.

dental implant

  • It consists of making an incision in the gum to expose the bone. Then the necessary space is opened to place the dental implant.
  • When in place the gum is used to cover the implant and sutured.
  • Between 3 and 6 months must pass for the expected result, that the tissues heal completely and a correct union between the bone and the implant occurs.

Uncovering of the implant and placement of the healing abutment

  • After the specified time has elapsed, another incision is made to expose the implant and a special attachment called a healing abutment is placed. This helps the gum heal properly to place the crown.

Placement of the final abutment and provisional crown

  • After a few weeks of healing, the healing abutment is replaced by a definitive abutment, which is screwed to the implant and a provisional crown is placed on it.
  • Sometimes the Dentist decides to place the healing abutment or even an implant system where the provisional crown is placed the same day of surgery.
  • Finally, an impression is taken that is sent to the laboratory to make the final prosthesis.

Placement of the final crown

  • Once ready, the provisional crown is replaced by the final one and the care that must be taken and basic tips for maintaining dental implants are explained.

To consider:

  • Healing processes are key in these dental implant treatments. As we know, they are natural processes that occur in the body, therefore they cannot be accelerated in any way, but it is precisely what allows us to guarantee the durability of the treatment.
  • Therefore dental implant treatments require patience and a lot of dedication.

Dental implant care: once the treatment is finished, you will want it to last a long time. A well-done procedure can last up to 25 years, following some recommendations:

  • Reduce smoking.
  • Maintain proper oral hygiene
  • Carry out regular check-ups with the dentist.
  • Improve lifestyle.

Dental implants offer a natural look and give the patient a feeling of firmness. They allow eating easily and comfortably as we do with natural teeth.

The results of a dental implant are worth all the effort because the best reward is a healthy and complete smile.

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